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Are you on a mission to reduce your waste? Newsflash: your crusade doesn’t have to stop when you leave the house. A reusable coffee cup might be a non-negotiable for your daily latte, and you wouldn’t dare head to the shops without a bag but have you given your daily gym session a second thought? Here’s how to give your post-gym regimen a bitta sustainable TLC in four simple steps.
The average shower head uses between 15-20L per minute which is why it is important to keep your shower short. Sydney Water recommends four minute showers, if you think that’s a task harder than ten chin-ups, pick any song from this funky Water Saving Anthems playlist and finish your shower in under four mins and in a great mood.
Say no to sugar and plastic packaging from takeaway breakfasts, and yes to a tasty homemade breakfast in a reusable container. Make a big batch of overnight oats (recipe) on Sunday night and store them in your old jars in the fridge. Each morning grab a jar so when you finish at the gym you know you’ve got a delicious and wholesome breakfast sans waste waiting for you. RELATED: The Post-Workout Eating Mistakes Derailing Your Weight Loss Efforts
A water bottle is a non-negotiable when it comes to a sweaty cardio workout and University Health News backs us up hydration should be a key aspect of your training regimen, it improves physical performance, aids weight loss and can boost your brain power. But it turns out that plastic [bottles] ain’t so fantastic, a study by State University of New York in Fredonia, found that 93% of all plastic bottles tested on the water contained some sort of microplastic. Focus on hydration and not the added extras by making the switch to a reusable stainless steel or glass water bottle.
When it comes to making your beauty routine more sustainable it can often feel like you're walking through a minefield. The easiest way to approach your toiletries bag is that as you use up a product, try and switch to a more sustainable option. Look for products that don’t contain palm-oil, parabens and SLS and where possible choose the product with the most sustainable packaging i.e glass or paper. Some great swaps to get you started are are:
A bar of soap or a shampoo bar
A bamboo toothbrush
Reusable makeup wipes
We’re all for a good sweat session but the only downside is laundry and piles of it. There are a couple of ways you can green up your laundry routine, aside from choosing a natural detergent it actually comes down to your washing setting. Sadly, every time you wash your clothes tiny pieces of microplastics break off and enter our oceans. To reduce the number of microplastics breaking off, make sure you wash full loads and wash your clothes on low temps and on a low spin cycle also try to avoid using the dryer when you can to cut down your energy consumption.
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