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You’ve probably heard the expression ‘everybody has to start somewhere’ and I’m here to tell you, it couldn’t be truer. There really is a first time for everything and your first time trying something new in the gym, like a group fitness class, can be a nerve-wracking experience.
Every single person there has been the ‘newbie’. They have been less fit than they are right now. So if we know this already, that everyone has to start somewhere, why is it so flipping hard to work up the courage and get stuck in?
Like many, I once found myself with a burning desire to get in shape. But without the funds for a personal trainer, or the complete collection of Jane Fonda workouts, I realised it certainly wasn’t going to happen at home. So I finally struck up the nerve to go along to a group fitness class at the gym – and I fell in love!
Find yourself sitting at your desk, eyes glued to your screen or constantly crunching numbers? Group fitness is a great way to break up your day and get moving. Here are the top reasons to trade your desk for dumbbells:
Alleviate work stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance by jumping into a sweat session at your nearby gym.
Make friends while making gains by meeting new people who enjoy the same classes as you!
With world class equipment, you'll be able to achieve your fitness goals faster.
You can restore benefits such as good night’s sleep as well as increasing your metabolic rate so your body is still working for you even after the session has ended.
If it's your first session back in a while, remember, you might not be at the same fitness levels you were before. It's important to ease back into it to avoid injuries.
You may also notice you're sore after a workout as your body isn't quite used to the level of intensity.
As you ease into a fitness program that includes group exercises classes, there are a few actions you can take to ensure you get back into peak condition. Firstly, focus on getting into a routine. Schedule your classes into your diary to make sure you don't miss a session. Remember, nothing happens overnight, it takes roughly 6 weeks to form a habit.
Most importantly, be kind to yourself: you may not have your super strength from yesteryear or you might not up your weight during your second class. Don't worry: results will come from repetition!
After a fun, social class that requires moderate fitness intensity? Dance is a 45 minute sweat sesh that helps increase cardio, is easy on the joints and even gets your brain working, remembering routines! It's a great way to break up the mundane reality of a 9-5 office job.
With classes up to 40-50 people, expect high levels of energy in the class to help motivate you through every move.
Want to train your brain at the same time as conditioning your body? Mind Body is a great way to not only improve flexibility and bone strength, but also focus on your breath work and being present. Classes such as Yoga pilates help undo some of the strain that comes with sitting at your desk all day. Other benefits include managing stress levels and improving focus during the working day.
Looking to combine both weight loss and building lean muscle mass? Our range of Strength classes are 45 minute moderate to high intensity sessions help with boosting energy levels and offering more clarity for the remainder of the day. Finding yourself at your desk all day? Classes such as Barre Attack and BodyPump also improve bone strengthening.
At Fitness First, we have world class instructors teaching a range of Les Mills programs as well as our own freestyle classes. Not only do you get to reap the physical benefits of working out during the day, there's also a strong community aspect, keeping fitness fun.
We understand that fitting in a workout during the working day can be a little tricky. That's why our classes our efficient, making sure you can fit it in during your lunch break or in between meetings.
With over 50 classes available, world-class equipment and multiple gyms in our CBD locations, you'll be able to workout at all hours of the day or fit in a class when your work day allows!
To help you fall in love with group fitness too, I’ve shared a few tricks for building the confidence to give it a go:
Arrive early so you can speak to the instructor (on the down low!). Don’t be afraid to let them know you are new. They can talk to you about what to expect, show you how to set up and discuss any injury concerns you might have.
As tempting as it is to stake your claim to the back corner, being closer to the very middle of the room can actually help you see what’s going on from a 360 degree view. With people all around you, whichever way you all turn, you will have a clear view of the person next to you and won’t need to strain your neck to see the instructor.
Remember to copy the instructor as if they are your mirror. This might sound really obvious but wow, was I confused in my very first class! As silly as it sounds, this advice might come in handy when moving sideways to avoid crashing into the person next to you (although it’s definitely a great ice breaker).
Don’t spend too much time picking out the perfect matching outfit. After a few classes, you’ll learn that us group fitness regulars are the most mismatched bunch of fluoro-loving people you have ever met. Knee-high socks, sparkly shorts and head bands are completely acceptable, and often encouraged. So too are Santa hats and elf ears come Christmas time.
At the end of day, it’s important to remember we’re all there for the same reason; to get fit and have fun. So go on, try something new and have fun doing it!
To help you get started with group fitness, head here to see the classes available!
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