How To Motivate Friends To Join The Gym

Written by Brendan Modini

Knowing you, you’ve probably well on your way to smashing your health and fitness goals –go you!

Your next goal (should you choose to accept it) is to inspire your friends to join and get fit with you.

With this blog, you’ll be able to inspire them in no time!

You can try Fitness First for free now with a 5 day guest pass!

Be An Influencer

Now, we’re not talking about being an insta influencer or vlogger, but we’re talking about being a role model.

Hitting the gym and working on your fitness for you is the first step to inspiring others – they need to see it to believe it. 

It’s so much easier to inspire others when you can walk the talk too. 

Sell The Benefits

As you’d know first-hand, the benefits of fitness are almost endless – we could go on about it for days. But if you need a helping hand, here are a few pointers to refresh your memory:

  • Improves your memory and brain function

  • Protects against many chronic diseases

  • Assists in weight management

  • Lowers blood pressure and improves heart health

  • Reduces feelings of anxiety and depression

  • Maintains and improve muscle strength and balance

  •  And so much more

 You can read 7 unexpected health benefits of exercising here.

Make It Fun

Fitness should always be fun, full stop. Let them know they don’t have to stick to a boring routine or only do cardio.

The ways to work on your fitness are almost endless, and Fitness First offers so much from cardio, weight training, Group Fitness,Yoga, Pilates, and even personal sessions with our Fitness Professionals.

Whatever they’re into, make the experience fun – it’ll inspire them to come back for more!

Train Together, Stay Together

Offer to train for the first few sessions together to show them the ropes.

If they’re not already members, invite them to join you with a Five Day Free Gym Pass.

Ps, with some of our memberships, you can bring a friend for free with a weekend guest pass.

However, if you’re not confident in yourself, you can always organise a session with a Fitness Professional to show you both a thing, or two.

Fit Tip: Training with someone keeps you accountable to not only show up but put in more effort.

Triple S - keep it short, sweet, simple

Keep the first few sessions at the gym short, sweet, and simple.

Remember the first time you hit the gym? You were probably overloaded both physically and mentally – I know I couldn’t walk for a week!

I’m sure you want your friends to stick with you long-term, so start with just one session, maybe 30-40mins with lots of stretching afterward, and go from there.

Looking for a quick workout that will keep you and your gym buddy feeling the burn? Try this little strength session with a cardio punch!

  • 5 minute cardio warm up on the treadmill

  • 3 x 8 reps - Chin Ups

  • 3 x 8 reps - Deadlifts

  • 3 x 8 reps - Seated Rows

  • 3 x 8 reps - Hammer Curls

  • 10 minute Fartlek training on the treadmill

  • Cool down and stretch!

Set small goals

Start off with small goals, something easy to achieve like, “go to the gym twice a week for a month”.

Once they’re feeling confident, try bumping it up to three or even four.

Setting realistic and manageable goals suited to their ability and lifestyle is important to feeling successful.

Fit Tip: Pop your gym sessions in the calendar and make it non-negotiable. You can view our Fitness Classes here to help organise your schedule!

Try something new together

Trying something new is scary. We’ve all been there, but when was the last time you ventured into the unknown?

Try something new together like Barre or Yoga – you’ll have the support of each other, can have a laugh along the way, and feel so much more accomplished at the end.

Remember, it takes a few attempts of anything before you get the hang of it – I know I’m still tripping over my feet in some classes.

Have you tried HIIT classes yet? Check them out here! 

Rest and recover

I think we’ve saved the most important for last: rest and recover.

Especially after the first few sessions, rest those muscles, drink plenty of fluids and get a high protein snack or meal into you for a quicker recovery.

Most of our clubs have a relaxation area with a steam room, sauna and some even have a pool for a bit of well-deserved R’n’R.

Better yet, head to the stretching area and spend a good few minutes stretching the muscles you used or even rolling out on a foam roller.

Whether it be making fitness fun or keeping your partner accountable, there are so many ways to gain a new gym buddy. With these easy tips, you’ll have your friends inspired, giving them the gym motivation to join you on your fitness journey in no time!

You can read more health and fitness content here!