It’s well known that eating right and exercising regularly is essential for overall health and wellbeing, but without the right quality and quantity of sleep, you could be sabotaging yourself from achieving your goals. 

When we get the sleep we need, on a regular basis, we wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day. Sleep directly impacts how we look, feel, and perform and it can have a major impact on our overall quality of life. It is the superpower we need to reach our goals and ultimately live our best life.

When it comes to sleep, quantity and quality are equally important. As adults, experts recommend we get 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night, which equates to roughly, a third of our lives spent sleeping. This will allow our bodies to naturally progress through the different stages of sleep, to allow our body and our minds to restore, repair, and rejuvenate, in preparation for the next day. 

During sleep, we naturally follow an alternating pattern of NREM (non-rapid eye movement) and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, and this cycle typically repeats itself every 90 minutes. It is the combination of all these stages where we perform vital functions that allow us to be at our optimum during the day.

NREM Sleep lasts roughly 75% of the night. 

  • NREM sleep includes as we begin to fall asleep, light sleep and most importantly, deep sleep

  • “Deep Sleep is fundamental for our physical health, and it is when our body secretes growth hormone, so important to muscle recovery, muscle growth and bodily repair of all our different systems including cardiovascular system, respiratory system and nervous system.” Dr Carmel Harrington 

REM Sleep lasts for the remaining 25% of the night. 

  • REM sleep, also known as dream sleep, is integral for cognitive function and repair. 

  • This is where our brain activity is most active through the night, almost as active as it is during the day. REM sleep allows for consolidation of memories, converting short term memories into long term, and a reset of our emotions. 

To allow us the best possible chance at getting a good night’s sleep, our bodies should be comfortable and well supported throughout the night. Dr. Camel states, “spinal support is important through all stages of sleep, as nothing will wake us up quicker than discomfort. If we’re very uncomfortable and our mattress isn’t supporting us sufficiently then our sleep may become fragmented”. That’s why our King Koil by A.H. Beard mattresses are approved by the International Chiropractors Association (ICA), because they understand the link between spinal support and getting a good night’s sleep for optimal performance each day. And while the right mattress is a key ingredient in getting a good night’s sleep, creating healthy habits around the hours in the morning when we wake, what we do during the day and the way we prepare for sleep, is so important. 

When we prioritise ourselves and we get good quality sleep on a regular basis, we are healthier, happier, and more motivated. We are more dynamic, better thinkers, and are more likely to eat and exercise well. Quality sleep is the fourth pillar of health and wellness alongside balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and good mental health. So, if you want to look better, feel better, and perform better, start by prioritising your sleep.

For more tips and advice on how you can improve your life through better sleep, follow Rachel on Instagram @rachelbeardsleeps